La Cultura

Though television here draws heavily from American entertainment, there are still many programs that are purely Italian. Though I personally don't care for the general quality of Italian television actors (though many women here are addicted to their Mafia Crime/Love Story soaps), I have found some of their game shows enjoyable.

One of my greatest sorrows, as an expat in Italy, is how difficult it is to share my favorite films. While some actors (such as Roberto Benigni, Bud Spencer, and Terrence Hill) have their own audiences in the English speaking world, others (Ficarra e Piccone, Fantozzi, Franco e Ciccio) are more difficult, if not impossible, to find in English. I have already translated a Ficarra e Piccone film into English subtitles out of sheer desperation to share it with my family, but I fear that the rest of the non-Italian speaking world is still missing out on some truly great entertainment. My only hope is that by introducing them to all of you, demand for English translation of these films will rise. That, or everyone will simply start studying Italian so they can watch them.

American radio has an unfortunate prejudice towards non-English music, so listening to the radio in Italy is uncharted territory for most new arrivals. Much like the Italian Cinema, some of the greats have reached across the Atlantic (Pavarotti, Volare, Fa L'Americano, etc.)  but there are many others (Lucio Battisti, Tiziano Ferro, Marco Masini, etc.) who I believe also deserve international attention.

It's impossible to talk about Italian culture without at least mentioning football (or soccer as it is known in some circles). Observing the fanatic passion some Italians have for their favorite players (*cough*Alessandro Del Piero) and teams (*ahem* Juventus) is like studying a mini culture unto itself.

Toys and Games
Daily entertainment, though greatly changed in the last few decades by globalization, still has a few unique Italian twists. From the Classic strummula, bocce, and briccica, to the modern day Winx and Cicciobello. And of course, the ever popular Carte Siciliane.

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