Thursday, July 12, 2012

You know it's summer in Sicily when...

  1. All joggers and dog walkers have to wake up no later than 6.30 in order to avoid heat stroke
  2. There is no difference between the hot water and cold water tap.
  3. Luke warm is the new "cold"
  4. Melons and Peaches overflow the fruit stands
  5. There's a sudden spike in the mortality rate among the elderly due to heat stroke. It would not surprise me if that is how I'm finished off in my old age.
  6. You haven't stopped sweating since June 20th.
  7. You buy three new dresses just to stave off the moment when you have to leave the air conditioned shops
  8. Every time you get up from a chair you can feel your skin reluctantly peeling away from the seat with a sweaty slurping sound.
  9. The southern beaches, typically considered the "cold" beaches because of the open sea current, now feel like warm bath water.
  10. Every morning when you get up a wet ring marks the bed like the chalk outline of a corpse.
  11. The city experiences rolling black outs due to all the air conditioners left on all evening.
  12. You can cook a pot roast just by placing it next to your laptop's cooling vent. 
  13. The high winds, far from refreshing, feel like God turned on the world's largest hair dryer.
  14. You can taste the humidity in the air. It does not taste good.
  15. The average nightly temperature is 90F/32C... which is high noon temperature where I come from.

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